1. Product Launch Brainstorming

Brainstorming plays a crucial role in the product launching process. It is a creative problem-solving technique that involves generating a large number of ideas and solutions in a group setting. When it comes to product launching, brainstorming serves several important purposes including idea generation, context analysis, event planning and communication. It helps to generate diverse ideas, foster collaboration, address challenges, evaluate options, and improve the overall effectiveness of the launch strategy. So when you are setting an initial level strategy be sure about one fact. You need an expert level opinion.

Set a powerful role and provide a specific context. Give a hint about the nature of expected result

Imagine yourself as a Marketing Guru. We have a new product launch next month. Suggest me important marketing activities I need to follow. It should be innovative and budget friendly

Product Launch

How to Handle the Result?

It is not advisable to follow everything that displayed as ChatGPT’s suggestion. Out of all you will find some practically relevant recommendation and possibilities. Note down them. You can either work on the suggestion through a group discussions within your team. Or you can use ChatGPT again to generate more detailed insights on other contexts explained in its solution.

2. Marketing Campaigns

Marketing campaigns are essential for businesses as they serve numerous important purposes in promoting products or services, building brand awareness, and driving sales. It help businesses generate awareness about their products or services among their target audience. By effectively communicating the features, benefits, and unique selling points, campaigns increase the visibility of the brand and its offerings in the market.

Imagine yourself as an highly experienced social media strategist. I need to run a marketing campaign for an Italian Restaurant in Dubai. We are focussing Facebook and Instagram as our marketing channel. Target customer base would be Italian Cuisine lovers, aged between 20 and 40. Give me innovative campaign ideas in both platform. List possible list of captions, advertising taglines, offers and call for action

Marketing Campaign Prompt

How to Handle the Result?

Now let us analyse the structure of the Answer. It gives you a structured output, Specifying what is relevant in the context of Facebook and Instagram. We can prioritise two or three activities relevant in our context.

However while analysing the suggestions for captions, taglines etc, It again need our brain to reach a precise conclusion. ChatGPT definitely help you with almost 60%-80% clarity in the thinking process. Means you might get more possible set of words or phrases matching your taste. You can make it better with additional substitutions.